Most common summer diseases and how to prevent them

Most common summer diseases and how to prevent them

Summer diseases

source: CNN Philippines

Everyone loves and enjoy summer days, especially our children who would just love to go out and play since this is also their vacation break away from school. However, summer is also a season for some seasonal disease and we need to take care of ourselves and of our children. Hey, prevention is better than cure and we just can’t let these diseases destroy our summer fun right? Well, below are the top 10 common diseases during summer and how to avoid them.

  1. Sunburn


With too much heat during this season, sunburn is rampant on these days. It is a form of sun radiation burn that affects the skin with too much exposure to the UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun.

Common symptoms include reddish skin that is hot to touch, painful, general fatigue, and mild dizziness.

To avoid this, outdoor activities must be done early in the morning or late afternoon to avoid overexposed in the heat of the sun around 10 am to 2 pm. And avoid staying outside for too long and drink 8-12 glasses of water a day, you can also use sunscreen products before going outside.

2. Flu and Cough



Flu is an extremely contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza A or B viruses. And cough is it is a rapid expulsion of air from the lungs.

These can easily spread as irregular weather can bring sudden rain from time to time.

Symptoms of flu include fever, headache and muscle soreness. Which can be avoided by drinking 8-12 glasses of water daily, avoid drinking too much cold water. And it was advised that those who are feeling sick to stay home and to always cover the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.

  1. Sore eyes
sore eyes


The unpleasant sensation in or around one or both eyes. Your eyes may feel gritty, tender or tired. When eyes are itchy due to dirt or allergies, excessive rubbing of the eyes is applied it became reddish.

Sore eyes when mistreated can lead to blindness that’s why experts advised not to used eye drops without consulting a doctor. Also, washing of hand is advisable to avoid spreading the virus.

  1. Skin Diseases
skin disease


Skin disease is the breakdown of a cell layer in the epidermis and thickening of the prickle-cell layer of the which includes dark wart-like patches in the body folds, eczema, skin rashes, hives, warts, and vitiligo.

Skin diseases abound when water becomes scarce and daily bathing compromised, water is uncleaned like unmaintained swimming pools or due to heat and congestion.

This can be prevented with proper hygiene, take a bath before and after plunging the pool, taking a bath daily with clean water and less exposure to sun heat.

  1. Mumps


Mumps is a viral infection of the salivary glands that most commonly affect kids. The swelling of the glands results to a “hamster-like” face. It can also cause the inflammation of the ovary, testes, and pancreas.

Symptoms include swollen painful glands, fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite and pain while chewing or swallowing.

This can be prevented by washing your hands regularly with soap and clean water. Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing. Do not share cups or eating utensils and by cleaning the surfaces or things you touch regularly.

  1. Chickenpox


Chickenpox is a highly contagious infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Patients develop a blister-like rash, which first appears on the face and trunk, and then spreads throughout the body.

Symptoms may include high fever, headache starts before it appears. Spots develop in small blisters and loss of appetite.

This can be prevented by avoiding close contact with people who are infected especially when your immune system is weak. But the virus can spread from an infected person even before symptoms develop.

  1. Measles


Measles is an infectious viral disease that can cause fever and red rashes on the skin and commonly occur to a child.

Symptoms include fever, dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, inflamed eyes and the tiny spot with bluish-white will develop on a red background found inside the mouth on the inner lining.

  1. Headache




A headache is a pain anywhere along the head or neck and can occur a migraine.

Symptoms include aching head pain, the sensation of tightness across your forehead or on the side of the back of your head. And tenderness of your scalp, neck and shoulder muscles.

It usually occurs when you don’t take rest and keep on working under the heat of the sun. And can be avoided by sleeping early with a comfortable pillow, intake more volume of water and avoid too much exposure to the sun.

  1. Rabies


Since it is summer and kids go to different places to bond with their friends, there is a big tendency that they can encounter dogs and other animals along the way.

If kids are bitten, there symptoms to know if they are infected, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, agitation, anxiety, confusion and hyperacidity.

This can be prevented when you monitor them to where they go.

  1. Stomach Ailments
stomach ailment


Vomiting and diarrhea follow after consuming a contaminated food or drinks. Since, many are selling street foods, be cautious or do not intake any for prevention. Also, those foods prepared for trips. Always remember that during summer, foods spoils faster because of the temperature.

To avoid this, eat healthy, fresh and nutritious foods.


We have to put this into our minds that a healthy lifestyle does not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood. Be safe everyone in spending your summer vacation!

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