04 Jan Philippines Ranked as 3rd Happiest Country in The World
Even though our country has encountered many problems for the past years, we have still remained positive and hopeful. Which led to being recognized as one of the happiest countries in the world.
According to Gallup International’s 41st Annual Global End of the Year Survey, the Philippines is the third happiest country with a net score of +84.
In Gallup’s survey, 86% of Filipinos answered they were happy, 2% answered they were unhappy and 10% answered that they were neither happy or unhappy to the question: “In general, do you personally feel very happy, happy, neither happy nor unhappy, unhappy or very unhappy about your life?”
Meanwhile, Fiji remained the happiest country in the world with the score of +92 followed by Colombia with +87 points.
Iran, on the other hand, replaced Iraq as the unhappiest country in the world last year after having a net score of +5.
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