19 Jul 1 Dead, 5 Infected Due to Leptospirosis in Cagayan de Oro City
Mga higala! Mayor Oscar Moreno wishes to alert every Kagay-anon in the dangers of Leptospirosis, especially now that flooding problems are rampant within the city.
With the help of our CHO or City Health Office, Moreno wants to remind everyone to avoid being soaked in “tubig-baha” since Leptospirosis bacteria can easily spread in it and infect anyone. Check out the infographic below:

How You Can Get Infected.
According to Bombo Radyo, an advisory was recently released by Dr. Maybel Honcolada of CHO because a leptospirosis victim identified as Noel Ramonal of Barangay Bayabas has died, and residents from Carmen, Camaman-an, Tablon, Lumbia, and Patag are currently afflicted with the said disease.
Dr. Honcolada also added that everyone should watch out for symptoms and visit the nearest health center for a shot Doxycycline.
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