07 Mar Be Swept Away with the Adventure Brought by Maze Park and Resort’s WAVE POOL
Posted at 14:58h
in Recreation and Leisure, Sights and Tourist Attractions, Tourist Information
One of Iligan City’s most famous destinations, the Maze Park and Resort is now introducing their newest attraction- a WAVE POOL!
You heard (read) that right! Mostly known for its nature-themed approach utilizing its wide land area with various animals, botanical gardens, children’s park, fishing park, beautiful cottages, and Instagram-worthy spots, Maze Park and Resort has recently added an amazing new reason for tourists to visit.
Maze Park and Resort is located at Buru-un, which is around 12 kilometers away from Iligan’s city proper, with an estimated travel time of 30 minutes.
Watch the latest Wave Pool testing video posted by George Sanchez below:
Source: George Sanchez, PH Tour Guide
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