20 Feb CDO to hold First Citywide Health Summit on March 2

Original Image Source: Cynthia Rosales, FODM
A health summit will be conducted on March 2 to tackle health concerns in Cagayan de Oro City to empower local leaders and health officials on the matter of health services, said the chairperson of the Health and Sanitation Committee.
According to a report from Sun.Star, the first citywide Health Summit will be launched by the City Council’s Health and Sanitation Committee in participation with the City Health Office.
City Councilor Maria Lourdes Gaane said that this health summit with the theme “All Health towards Health for All in CdeO,” is done to provide positive health outcomes in the city and to identify possible improvements in health.
80 barangay chairman in the city with their particular counselors and officials from Department of Health (DOH) and PhilHealth are expected to participate in the said summit.
Major health problems in the city will be discussed at the summit, such as Dengue fever, Chikungunya, and the Zika virus as these diseases are rampant in the city, said DOH representative Dr. Joselito Retuya Jr. He added that the prevention and the services for these diseases is one of the major concerns here in Cagayan de Oro and especially now that the rainy season is here.
The summit will also address how the city health offices could support in handling the rehabilitation of drug surrenderees in the administration’s campaign against illegal drugs and considering the possibility of establishing an ordinance to make a smoke-free city.
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