14 Jul Feature Article: Cross Fit Kagayan and CGY FIT Fitness Solutions – If You’re Looking for Fitness Exercises that’s Unique but Effective, This is Where You Should Be Heading
How it All Started
You could say that Cross Fit Kagayan and CGY Fit started all because of wanting to avoid being a diabetic, staying healthy, and wanting to share this fitness knowledge to others who need it.
And as they say, add in a wing and a prayer, and now, Cross Fit Kagayan and CGY Fit are now in Cagayan de Oro. Cagayanons are actually well known to be fitness and sports buffs.
You’ll be surprised at the number of unknown Cagayanons playing in professional and amateur sports all over the Philippines, a few even making some waves in the triathlon and other fitness events in the country.
Of course, some love to run, some swim, some lift weights and muscle up, some do plyometrics, and some now are even into boxing (but not because of Pacquiao, but because of Nietes, Donaire, and Pagaran, the latter from CDO).
However, it is a well-known fact that 1 out of every 3 persons who start working out quit after only a week because they find exercising tedious, monotonous, and boring.
While most do start exercising to lose weight or slim down, many don’t realize that working out will also keep them fit and healthy.
Let’s Get to Know the Owners
Mr. Rodrigo “Nikki” P. Go, one of the proprietors of CGY Fit Fitness Solutions, who only a few years ago was a registered nurse and diagnosed to be a potential diabetic. While others would have just shrugged, taken their medicine, and hoped for the best, Nikki Go took it one step further. Far from envisioning putting up a gym, all he wanted was to stay healthy and live longer, and so he embarked on a self-taught fitness program using YouTube videos of plyometrics and insanity workouts.
Plyometrics is a 90-day workout while insanity workouts last for 60 days. It all paid off and Nikki went down from being 240 lbs. to 150 lbs. Nikki wanted to share what he learned and experienced so he worked for some time as a freelance coach for Stonestown Boxing Gym around 2012, even giving personal training for clients at the Xavier Estates tennis courts. These sessions were one-on-one plyometrics sessions at low rates, and soon word of mouth spread, and Nikki was gaining more clients.
So he could add more to his growing clientele’s trust factor, Nikki decided to work on, and received his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certification in 2013.
ACE certified coaches are an elite group because the exercises they learn and master must not only be effective, but safe programs on the side of the customer. Nikki Go is one of only a few ACE certified fitness coaches in Cagayan de Oro. In CGY, Ms. Lynn Boo is also ACE certified and serves as instructor for the Yoga classes. CGY Fit is co-owned by Mr. John Lao.
CGY FIT became the first fitness center in Cagayan de Oro City to introduce Cross Fit Training as one of its main programs under the auspices of Cross Fit Kagayan. CGY also offers Yoga, Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Paleo Fit, Karate, and even Ballet, Sexy or Mixed Dance, and Zumba.
Though Cross Fit Kagayan operates and conducts its classes at CGY Fit, they are not directly connected to CGY, though Nikki Go served as a coach for some of the present crop of coaches in CF Kagayan.
Cross Fit Kagayan is also owned by Nikki Go as well as Rando Romblon and John Chavez.
In fact, some of the present coaches in Cross Fit Kagayan started out as clients under Coach Nikki. This was also due to the need for more coaches and instructors as the number of clients was increasing.
Meet their Team of Bad-ass Coaches
Some of the present instructors for Cross Fit Kagayan at CGY started out as clients under Coach Nikki. This was also due to the need for more coaches and instructors as the number of clients was increasing.

From left to right: Bryan King (owner of LogicBase Interactive, LLC & aboutcagayandeoro.com), Coach Loi, Eugene, Coach Cai and KC
Some of the gym’s awesome coaches include; Cai Cansino, Aran Jamaca, Loi Balbon, Daniel Mejia and Rando Romblon. We are not able to post pictures of the other coaches because they were not present during the time of interview.
They were so kind and accommodating when we interviewed them and they provided us all the complete details regarding the establishment. Let’s get to know each of them.
A registered nurse and presently a Cross Fit Cagayan coach. She used to be a client of the gym and since the workouts proved to be effective in helping her lose weight and achieve fitness, this led her to join the team. She is very pretty, friendly and approachable and she’s a tough woman too!
He used to be one of the gym’s clients and later turned out to be one of the coaches of the fitness center. He has a very fun personality and is very good at his profession which is why he gained a lot of clients.
Here are some pictures of Coach Aran in action!
Also a registered nurse, Coach Loi is one of the best coaches not only in Cross Fit Kagayan but also in CDO! His goal is not only to train and help people achieve fitness but he is also mindful of his clients. He makes sure that the workouts he makes his clients do are safe and within their capacity. He always pushes clients to do their best and never fails to give them the motivation that they need.
What the Workouts are Like – Coaches Demo
– Battle Ropes may look easy, but you’ll sweat a bucket after a few minutes of handling the ropes.
– For those with the intent for muscles, nothing beats strength and conditioning with weights.
– Crazy Challenge is based on the concept of American Army training to stay fit. You’ll never see an unfit American soldier anywhere.
– When you do box jumps, it won’t be long before you’re fit and lose weight, but you can always start with small boxes.
The Secret Behind Their Success
One large factor in the success of Cross Fit Kagayan is its sense of community in all its programs. Instead of competing against each other who can be the best, everyone is taught to adapt a sense of community/camaraderie by encouraging, helping, and supporting each other.
As the coaches would say, they don’t clap for who comes first, but they all clap to encourage the last person to finish what was started. When one falls or falters, everyone picks or helps that person.
If a certain workout is too much or too strenuous for that person, the coaches look for something else to challenge that person. The programs aren’t just geared for weight loss, aesthetics, or fitness, but for proper healthy attitudes and character towards one another.
It’s all about building a strong and healthy physical and mental lifestyle.
Cross Fit Kagayan
Cross Fit Training has what it terms as daily WODs (Workout of the Day) and this includes Olympic style weightlifting, gymnastics, kettlebell training, running, and other workouts geared to be non-monotonous and certainly far from boring.
Another Cross Fit program is what is termed as Boot Camp. This is great for those planning to do Cross Fit but without the lifting of weights. It’s an introductory course that involves intense cardiovascular exercises and jump training classes for better cardio health.
PT or Personal Training is more on a one-on-one basis, or a maximum of 2 for couples. This is the Cross Fit program for those with really busy schedules or need special attention for training especially for clients with special personal needs or preferences outside a “class” format.
Cross Fit training is geared to be non-monotonous and instead uses common everyday items (with a few exceptions as the gym still retains important items like medicine balls, kettle bells, dumb bells, and lifting weights modified from vehicle axles) such as tires and shipping ropes.
All program classes are scheduled for one hour each day. Some may have the misconception that this may be too short.
However, in the interest of safety and health, 45 minutes alone is enough for any Cross Fit session because to go beyond an hour may cause serious physical or even muscle injury which defeats the purpose of being fit.
How Much Does Each Program Cost?
- Cross Fit 101 Basic 9-session fundamentals with 3 daily WODs is priced at only Php2,000.
- Cross Fit 12 sessions is at only Php 2,500. They also have what they term as Cross Fit Unlimited at only Php 2,800.
- Cross Fit Boot Camp for 12 sessions is only Php 1,800.
- Cross Fit Personal Training at only Php 3,500 (based on client’s convenient time).
Cross Fit Kagayan at CGY FIT is open from 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. from Monday to Sunday. For more information about their fitness programs, martial arts, boxing, and dance programs, please do visit their center or give a call on 0926-7232329 or 0999-5501298.
For Cross Fit Training and Cross Fit Kagayan, you can also inquire from CGY Fit or call 0917-7166335.
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