CHED announces Free Tuition for State U: Una ang mahirap Program

CHED announces Free Tuition for State U: Una ang mahirap Program

06162017 - CHED FREE TUITION 2017

Source: CHED

From the official website of Commission on Higher Education (CHED), all students in State Universities and Colleges nationwide are privileged to avail the Free Tuition program. However, Students who are under the CHED’s Student Financial Assistance Program (StuFAP) are prioritized.

However, non StuFAP can still avail this program as long as the SUC has remaining budget. The students will be prioritized according to their economic status.

Regular enrollment procedures of the SUC is observed. Students will have to go through an assessment process to find out if they can be accepted into the program/course they have chosen.

Non-StuFAP when applying for the program must present one (1) proof of income (i.e Income Tax Return of family member responsible for student’s education, BIR Form 2316, BIR Certificate of Exemption from Filing of ITR or any other government-issued document that shows income earnings.

CHED clarifies that this program will not cover until a student finishes its studies, the program will only be implemented for Academic Year 2017 – 2018.

It should be noted that SUCs shall not collect any tuition payment from the guarantees of the program as this should be charge to the Higher Education Support Fund. However, it should be noted that student on the program will still have to pay for the outstanding fees like miscellaneous and other school fees.

There are no limits on number of students who can avail the program, but this depends on the capacity of the school and the budget allotted for the SUC.

For clarifications you can reach them thru

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