09 Dec LOOK: Construction Firm Hires 60+ Former Rebels Who Were Trained By TESDA As Pipefitters
Mga higala! 67 formers rebels (1st batch: 25/2nd batch: 42) from hinterland areas in Bukidnon, who underwent a 20-day training for “pipefitting” under the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), were directly hired by Aboitiz Construction Company!
This new opportunity will allow them to earn money for their families and will give them a chance for a better life.
According to the Human Resource Officer of Aboitiz, these former rebels will be deployed in their various construction projects nationwide and will have a salary of around P415 per day.
This was all made possible by TESDA-Bukidnon, MACES Skills Training Institute, Aboitiz, and the 403rd Infantry (Peacemaker) Brigade.
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