07 Jun Incoming DepEd Secretary Wants to revise Philippine History Books
On Monday, June 6, the incoming Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary Leonor Briones wants to revise the current Philippine history books in an objective manner of editing that will assess every era of Philippine history without bias.
The books that will be revised are for the elementary and high school levels, which previously the martial law era has been focused, without having the other periods of our history been objectively presented.
“If ever there will be a review of textbooks, it will not only be under the martial law, but we should review again the coverage of all the administrations,” Briones said.
She also added, “Not all the administrations have also been examined fairly. As they say, history is written by the victors. If we look at the Marcos period, then we look at all the other periods. We have to do our best in seeing to it that there are objective assessments.”
In her plans about having it edited while the K to 12 program is about to take off, she said that it is “to allow for more in-depth and enriched discussion on Philippine History.” With this, she is poised to edit the grade 5 and 6 Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) Philippine history books.
DepEd also supports the plans of their incoming head, they have stated that it is “learning the lessons of history and preserving the gains of democracy.”
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