04 Oct DOH Launched Hopeline, Phone-Based Counseling for Individuals Suffering From Crisis and Depression
In celebration of the National Suicide Prevention Awareness Day given the theme “Connect, Communicate, Care” which was held last September 10, 2016, the Department of Health (DOH) launched the project ‘Hopeline’, a phone-based counseling service for individuals who are suffering from crisis and depression which can lead to suicide. Simply, Hopeline is for the prevention of suicides.
The project is a partnership of the DOH with the Natasha Goulborn Foundation (NGF), world Health Organization (WHO) and Globe Communications which was officially opened at a news conference which highlighted the global problem of suicide.
In an estimate, over 800,000 people die due to suicide each year with an average of about one person every 40 seconds, according to the World health Organization. While there are up to 25 times as many more people who make suicide attempts. Main causes of suicide attempts that are being considered are love life problems, divorce or separation, family abuse, aging, gender issues, and loneliness.
“I am pleased to present the present the country’s national suicide hotline to our fellow Filipinos. Finally, there’s a hotline for us to call when we are having psychological and emotional issues. We are very optimistic that we can fully implement Hopeline and address mental health issues in a very innovative way,” said Health Secretary Paulyn Jean Ubial.
Fortunately, the Philippines ranks 150 out of 170 countries in terms of suicide rates as of 2012. Thus, suicide is a lesser problem in the country, however, it is still a serious issue. By female to male ratio, 550:2008 were the estimated number of suicides in 2012 with a suicidal rate of 2.9 per 100,000 population. This data is lower than the 11.4 per 100,000 population, 15.0 for males and 8.0 for females, which is the annual global age-standardized suicide rate. In fact, among Asean member-states, the Philippines has the lowest suicide rate.
There will be campus caravans for schools and universities as part of the Hopeline Project’s campaign in removing the stigma from mental health issues to be organized mainly by the NGF.
“The families and friends of people suffering from depression are equally important, and they need to know and understand the illness to enable them to respond and provide constructive support to their loved ones during the difficult times. Let us work hand in hand to deliver the proper help to them,” said the health secretary.
Hopeline is available 24/7 and can be reached through the following numbers:
- Landline at (02) 804-HOPE (4673)
- Mobile phone at 0917-558-HOPE (4673)
- Dial 2919 which is a toll-free number for all Globe and TM subscribers.
Source: The Manila Times
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