11 Sep Have You Ever Been to the Spooky yet Eye-captivating ‘Sunken Cemetery’ in Camiguin?
The beauty of the Philippines is indeed a thing to behold not only for Filipinos but also for foreign tourists who are very much welcome to marvel at our breathtaking sceneries and natural resources.
The host of History Channel’s “Ride n’ Seek” travel show, Jaime Dempsey, during her recent visit in the country and around Southeast Asia, saw for herself one of Northern Mindanao’s most prized accidental landscapes, Camiguin’s Sunken Cemetery.
Source: History Channel Facebook Page
During the Spanish colonization in the 1800’s, what we knew today as the sunken cemetery was a quiet abode for the dead loved ones of the residents of Camiguin particularly around the area surrounding the Spanish colonial capital near what is known today as Catarman. It was in 1871 that an eruption of Mt. Vulcan devastated many properties and taken away lives, sinking the whole cemetery and a church deep under water. Another eruption of the volcano in 1948 submerged the area by 20 feet deeper making the cemetery invisible at eye sight even during low tide. Several decades later in 1982, a large cross was built at the spot where the cemetery once stood to identify its location and as a landmark as well.
Today, the cemetery is considered to be one of the most unusual and spooky yet an eye captivating sight for those who are looking for an amazing water adventure. It is even one of the most favorited locations for local films and travel shows. The whole place is truly instagrammable, so it doesn’t hurt to suggest that you and your barkadas should take a lot of pictures while swimming underwater above the old tombs or just marvel at the blue waters surrounding the large cross.
Whichever you may want to spend your time at the world famous Camiguin Sunken Cemetery, the most important thing to do and should not be forgotten is to enjoy and have a great time.
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