How to Make The Most Out of Your Small Home Area

How to Make The Most Out of Your Small Home Area

real estate small home

Hi, mga higala! Let’s talk about something fun – well, fun for those of us looking to celebrate our adult independence by investing in our very own home.

Acadeo aims to feature the best of Cagayan de Oro, and one of these features is our real estate. From high-rise apartments to low-cost housing, CdeO City has real estate options for everyone, which makes it enticing to move into the city.

There’s a premium for good space, though, especially if you’re not using a real estate agent to help you look for property deals. Because of this, properties with simple house designs are getting snapped up left and right.

So what are good ways of maximizing the space you do have to work with?

  • Multi-Purpose has Multi-Value

Tables that double as chairs, beds that double as sofas – you may find them funny at first glance, but they could save you a ton of headache when you’re shopping for functional furniture.

Multi-purpose furniture makes the most out of the given space, which means more leg room for you and your family. They don’t have to look clunky or ugly, either – there are lots of affordable multi-function furniture that are lovely to look at!

  • Stick to A General Theme

If you, like some of us in Acadeo, are addicted to fashion TV shows, you’ll recall that one of the most-repeated advice given is “Edit! Edit! Edit!”

That is to say, when decorating anything, it makes your life easier to have a central idea, style, or theme to hold everything together. A beautiful and ornate centerpiece figurine may be gorgeous to look at in a furniture showroom, but think about how it will look in your hyper-minimalist home.

A little out of place, right? Non-matching furniture can give the appearance of clutter where there isn’t any, and that’s something you want to avoid when you have a small home.

  • Learn Proper Spacing

How do you practice proper spacing when you have very little space to begin with? Well, for starters: don’t push everything towards the walls. Doing so actually makes your home feel smaller and more cramped than it really is.

Let some of your furniture “rest” in the middle of your living spaces, allowing these furniture to anchor the room visually. Stack similar-sized objects up to your thighs only – if you need to stack higher than that, invest in a tall, slim bookcase instead.

Oh, and our favorite tip: take a photo of the new arrangement, and ask someone to give it a rating. If they feel like the space is cramped just from a photo, imagine how you’ll feel when you’re living in there.

Did these tips help you? Let us know in the comments what you think!

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