11 Sep LOOK: Katunggan Mangrove Park Of Camiguin Island
Mga higala! Wanna experience a beautiful destination made by man and nature? Then don’t forget to drop by the KATUNGGAN MANGROVE PARK in Camiguin Island during your next visit.

ENTRANCE FEE: 15-20 Pesos. (Whole Day)

CABANA/COTTAGE RENT: 30-50 Pesos (Good for 10 people)
The Katunggan Mangrove Park is located near the Taguines Lagoon in the town of Benoni on Mahinog, Camiguin.
Tourists can even volunteer and help plant mangroves during their visit. Everyone is given the chance to contribute since mangrove trees provide protection against typhoons and big waves. They also give a sustainable ecosystem for various species of fish, shrimps, crabs, and even birds.

(Photo by Ken Divinagracia Aurelio.)

Fishes living in mangrove areas. REPRESENTATION ONLY.
In the meantime, check out the pictures below:

(Photo by Aiby the Explorer)

(Photo by I Am From Isla Camiguin)

(Photo by Princess Bea Mirambel Pacho)
For more details:
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