26 Sep LOOK: Madonna and Child Hospital Inaugurates Newly Finished Medical Arts Building
Mga higala! The Madonna and Child Hospital at Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City, has inaugurated its new Medical Arts Building located at the rear of its main facility.

The facade of the new Medical Arts Building. (Photo by Irish Dyan)

(Photo by Vice Mayor Joaquin “Kikang” UY CDO City)
In accordance with this, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held yesterday, September 25, which was led by Vice Mayor Joaquin Raineir Uy together with the hospital’s management. Check out the pictures by Vice Mayor Joaquin “Kikang” UY CDO City below:

Vice Mayor UY together with hospital executives.

The Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony.

Blessing Ceremony.

Madonna and Child Hospital staff meeting CDO’s Vice Mayor.

In case you don’t know, this expansion wing houses more doctors’ clinics and other facilities.
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