Be Swept Away with the Adventure Brought by Maze Park and Resort’s WAVE POOL

Be Swept Away with the Adventure Brought by Maze Park and Resort’s WAVE POOL

Wave Pool photos captured from George Sanchez‘s video below.

One of Iligan City’s most famous destinations, the Maze Park and Resort is now introducing their newest attraction- a WAVE POOL!

You heard (read) that right! Mostly known for its nature-themed approach utilizing its wide land area with various animals, botanical gardens, children’s park, fishing park, beautiful cottages, and Instagram-worthy spots, Maze Park and Resort has recently added an amazing new reason for tourists to visit.

Maze Park and Resort is located at Buru-un, which is around 12 kilometers away from Iligan’s city proper, with an estimated travel time of 30 minutes.

Google Maps.

Watch the latest Wave Pool testing video posted by George Sanchez below:


Source: George Sanchez, PH Tour Guide

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