Mindanao To Make Renewable Energy Dominate Energy Mix by 2018 For Clean Energy Agenda

Mindanao To Make Renewable Energy Dominate Energy Mix by 2018 For Clean Energy Agenda

energy mix in mindanao

Image Source | aveasia.wordpress.com

By the year 2018, Mindanao grid desires for renewable energy (RE) to dominate energy mix by 2018. This is due to Mindanao’s current energy mix of 60:40 favoring RE which is being seen to be significantly reversed into 70:30 favoring fossil fuel by 2018, with the latter being the dominant technology on its power mix. But according to the director for Investment Promotions and Public Affairs of the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA), Romeo M. Montenegro, that in order to achieve its clean energy agenda, they should give premium to RE investments.

Montenegro said, “accelerating RE projects points to a logical way forward of achieving an ideal energy mix.”

He also added that in the next 2 years, due to the ratio of fossil fuel and RE by 2018 as an effect of the newly developed coal plants, Mindanao will be able generate a total capacity of 1,800 megawatts. Yet, if ventures in RE will be accelerated, the rise of fossil will be offset keeping a balanced energy mix in Mindanao. And according to Montenegro, now is the time to trigger rapid RE deployment in the region.

“Mindanao which is relatively well-endowed with renewable energy sources mostly hydro, is aiming to achieve a regime of reliable, sustainable and reasonable power,” Montenegro finally added.

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