XU’s eLearn Launches “SpyCamera” Feature To Prevent Cheating & Distractions During Online Classes

XU’s eLearn Launches “SpyCamera” Feature To Prevent Cheating & Distractions During Online Classes


Mga higala! Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan‘s Office of Student Awareness (XU OSA) has launched a “SpyCamera” feature for XU eLearn that will take effect in AY 2021-2022!

ICYDK, XU eLearn is an “online classroom where students make use of the new media to pursue academic excellence and virtual connectivity.”

The said feature is a monitoring update that prevents cheating and helps students avoid distractions during their online classes. It monitors the students’ activities through the internal camera on their phones, tablets, or computers.

However, XU assured in a recent article that the feature “works like a CCTV but without the recording” and is only activated when a student is logged in.

With this, eLearn will also know if students open other browser tabs if they are sleeping during classes.

BTW, SpyCamera was launched after some students were caught doing Tiktok dances, playing games, and more.

For more details, read:

XU’s eLearn launches anti-cheating SpyCamera feature

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